Our Products
Respiratory Wellness
Disclaimer: This page contains factual information about Respiratory Wellness, a nutritional supplement, and its observed health benefits. It must not be construed as medical advice or treatment for any specific disease.
Powerful nutritional blend for boosting lung & respiratory health
What is Respiratory Wellness? The respiratory system (lung, throat, nose, sinus etc.) are sites of continuous exposure to environmental assaults (pollutants, pathogens etc. in air). Respiratory Wellness is a scientifically-formulated nutritional formula that promotes healthy respiratory cells & tissues. Users of the Respiratory Wellness supplement report fast promotion of their respiratory health & function.
The science behind
Our Respiratory Wellness formulation contains respiratory health boosting, antioxidant & anti-inflammatory, plus immune health promoting nutritional ingredients that work in concert to promote and restore respiratory health & functions.
1) Respiratory health promoting ingredients: Scientific studies have demonstrated that ingredients such as Zinc, Adathoda basica, Cumin seed, Calendula officinalis, Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) root, Pinus pinaster bark, Piper longum, Rosemarinas officinalis, Urtica dioica (nettle), Verbascum thapsus (Mullein) root, and Zingiber officinale etc. promote respiratory health, and improve lung functions and respiratory ailments (references below).
Ships globally from Singapore

Health benefits (based on user reports):
- – Nourishes & promotes healthy respiratory organs
- – Rejuvenates respiratory health & wellness
- – Boosts lung health & functions
- – Promotes healthy immunity
- – Rich in antioxidant & anti-inflammatory nutrients
2) Antioxidant & healthy immunity promoting nutrients: Respiratory organs being continually exposed to pro-oxidant and immune reactive air-borne pollutants & pathogens are in greater need of diet & nutrition rich in antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting nutrients so as to protect its cells and tissues from damages, and to keep them healthy and rejuvenating.
All the ingredients in the Respiratory Wellness supplement has both antioxidant and unhealthy immunity preevntive properties. Vitamin C, D & E, Indian gooseberry, aronia and acai berry, cinnamon and P. pinaster bark, P. cuspidatum,Origanum vulgare, and Sorghum bicolor bran are among the most powerful antioxidants, while besides the vitamins & minerals, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, ginger, nettle leaf, rosehip, rosemary, sorghum bran, and turmeric etc. are among the most powerful healthy immunity promoting herbs found in Mother Nature.
(3) Immunity boosting ingredients: Strong and healthy immunity is particularly important for healthy and efficient functioning of the respiratory organs as they are continually exposed to air-borne pollutants and pathogens. Immunity boosting ingredients in Respiratory Wellness, such as selenium, zinc, vitamin B12, C, D, & E, as well as vitamin C-rich apple, Indian gooseberry, lemon, orange, & rosehip etc. will boost and maintain strong immunity in its consumers.

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How long to consume?
Who should consume? Those with poor respiratory and immune health and want to boost and maintain healthy respiratory system.
How long to consume? It can be consumed as a daily supplement for maintaining healthy respiratory health, or as needed.
How long to benefit: Most users with respiratory health issues experience significant improvement within 1 to 3 weeks.
Warning: We advise consuming only one of our products at a time. If you need to consume more than one product, please contact us for guidance.
Scientific references
Vitamin C, D & E: These vitamins are well-established modulators of immune responses and booster of immunity.
Selenium: Selenium has strong antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting properties, and diets supplemented with selenium were found to elicit stronger immune responses [Adv Nutr, 2015 Jan, 6(1): 73–82
Zinc: Zinc is well-known for boosting immunity, and is found to protect healthy body. [JRSM Open, 2017 May 2, 8(5): 2054270417694291; Immun Ageing, 2009, 6:9]
Adathoda vasica: A. basica was found to have healthy immunity promoting action on the respiratory tract, and effectively protects the respiratory system. Its bioactive alkoloids, vasicinone and vasicine have potent beneficial effect on bronchial tissue health and healthy immunogenic activity resulting in respiratory health promoting outcomes. [Nutraceuticals (2nd Ed.), 2021, 7:101-115]
Apple (Malus domestica), Citrus limon (lemon), Citrus aurantium (orange), Phyllanthus emblica, Rosa canina (rosehip): These fruits are excellent source of vitamin C, a well-established immunity-boosting vitamin with health-protecting properties [J Biol Reg and Homeos Ag, 2013, 27(2): 291-295]
Aronia melanocarpa: One of the strongest antioxidant fruits in Nature, Aronia berries contain immunity-modulating compounds and protects & maintains healthy body [Int J Mol Sci, 2014, 15(7):11626-36; Molecules, 2013, 18(12):14989-99]
Astragalus membranaceus: Astragalus root is a well-known Chinese traditional herb that boosts immunity and health. [J Nat Med, 2009, 63(4):421-9; Comparative Study, 1994, 14(11):664-6].
Calendula officinalis: Calendula is loaded with phytochemicals, such flavonoids, steroids, saponin, terpenoids, lignins, and phenolic compounds with multifaceted beneficial properties and demonstrated respiratory health promoting effects. [Int J Nutr Pharcol Neurolog Dis, 2014, 4(2):95-103]
Centella asiatica: C. asiatica possesses antioxidant properties that protect and boost cellular health.
Cinnamonum cassie: Cinnamon barks possess powerful antioxidant and healthy immunity modulating properties. [Am J Chin Med. 2006, 34(3):511-22; Allergy, 1995, 50(12):995-9; Antivir Chem Chemother, 2009, 19(6): 243-55]
Cuminum cyminum: Cumin seeds were found to possess antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting properties that will help protect and maintain healthy cells ad tissues in respiratory organs. [Adv Food Nutr Res, 2012, 67:75-139; Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2015, 474509]
Curcuma longa: Curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory constituent of C. longa, modulates immune responses, and exerts many health benefits. [Alt Med Rev, 2009 Jun, 14(2):141-53]
Elettaria cardamomum: Rich in antioxidant compounds, E. cardamomum showed powerful health-beneficial properties through promotion of healthy immune responses. [Molecules, 2017 Jul 15, 22(7): 1191; Curr Med Mycol, 2016 Jun, 2(2): 8-15]
Euterpe oleracea: Loaded with antioxidant compounds, such as anthocyanins, E. oleracea (acai) berry is the richest antioxidant value fruit known. Acai antioxidants are found to fight oxidative stress, and protect cells and tissues from damages. [J Agric Food Chem, 2012, 60(4): 1084-93].
Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice): Bioactive constituents in licorice roots were found to improve respiratory health in both animals & humans [Curr Ther Res Clin Exp, 2011 Dec, 72(6):250–261; Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2010 Apr, 31(4):443–449; J Asthma, 2016 Aug, 53(6):650-9]
Origanum vulgare: Traditionally used for improving respiratory health, oregano is one of the strongest antioxidant herbs in Nature and its oil has shown to reduce harmful immune markers [Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2020, 144:111586].
Pinus pinaster: Pinus pinaster extract showed protective effect on respiratory health [Food Chem Toxicol, 2013 Dec, 62:681-6]
Piper longum: Piper longum extract showed respiratory health protective effects. [Int J Pharmacol, 2012 Mar, 8(3):192-197]
Polygonum cuspidatum: A powerful antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting herb, P. cuspidatum was shown to reduce harmful immune markers and displayed health protecting bioactions [J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2010, 95(9):E1-8.20534755; Int J Prev Med, 2013, 4(suppl 1):S1-4.23717757; J Ethnopharmacol, 2013, 148(3):729-745.23707210]
Salvia rosmarinus: Rich in antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting properties, rosemary extract demonstrated promising results in improving respiratory health in human subjects. [Avicenna J Phytomed, 2018 Sep-Oct, 8(5): 399–407]
Sambucus nigra: S. nigra fruits are rich in antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting compounds, and are shown to impart potent health-protective actions [J Int Med Res, Mar-Apr 2004, 32(2): 132-40; Antivir Chem Chemother, 2009, 19(6): 243-55]
Sorghum bicolor: Polyphenol pigments in sorghum bran have powerful antioxidant & healthy immunity promoting properties, which will prevent oxidative stress, and protect and maintain healthy cells and tissues.
Syzygium aromaticum: S. aromaticum is loaded with antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting compounds, and is found to possess health-protective properties [Braz J Microbiol. 2012 Oct-Dec, 43(4): 1255-1260; Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, 2014 Feb, 4(2): 90-96]
Thymus vulgaris: Thyme is packed with immunity-boosting vitamin C, and is found to protect respiratory tissues [Arzneimittelforschung, 2006, 56(9): 652-60]
Urtica dioica (Stinging nettle): Nettle root and leaf juice has been traditionally used to improve respiratory health. Nettle extract prevented harmful immune reactions and reduce oxidative stress in respiratory tissues in scientific investigation. [Pharm Biol. 2017; 55(1): 1561–1568; Planta Medica, 1990, 56:44-47]
Verbascum thapsus (Mullein): Traditionally used to improve respiratory disorders, mullein extracts were found to exert strong protective effects on respiratory organs. [Evid Based Complement Alt Med. 2009 Dec; 6(4): 517–522; Med Chem, 2020, 16(7):991-995.]
Zingiber officinale: Ginger and its bioactive compounds displayed protective action against harmful immune reactions in airway tissues. [Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, 2013 Feb, 48(2): 157–163]
Hi, I have been suffering from a bad stitch pain around rib regions, chronic cough and stall breathing.
Been searching for the “elixir” to help ease or better diminish my pain.
Hope , this works.
Hi. Our research suggests that vast majority of the long-term serious health disorders develop because of deficiency of specific nutrition needed by the body. Our body also has tremendous regenerative power. If we can give it the right blend of nutrition, it can quickly nourish & regenerate cells & tissues to achieve sustainable & satisfactory recovery.
This product is a scientifically formulated nutritional cocktail for nourishing & healing respiratory tissues. In our observations, 70-80% of the users with serious respiratory problems achieve satisfactory improvement within 4-5 weeks.
We are hopeful that you will achieve satisfactory improvement.
My husband was having a long cough after he caught a flu. This went on for a month until he started taking Respiratory Wellness and within two weeks of consumption, his long cough disappeared and he recovered.
I’m 20 years old and used to suffer from breathing problem. After taking Respiratory Wellness for about a month, I could stop inhaler use and medicines.
For many months, I have stopped the supplement, and still remain free from breathing problem.
I’ve been religiously taking Respiratory wellness.
Drastic changes, great find.
Thank you.
Can’t wait to try your newest releases.
Hi. Can your respiratory wellness products be in capsules form? It’s easier to consume it.
Thank you
Hi. Thanks for your purchase and the feedback.
We like our products in a nutrition-like presentation, not medicine-like. It’s better for absorption and efficacy. We can keep prices cheaper also.
Nonetheless we are thinking about capsuling, but we worry that consuming 6, 7, 8 capsules at a time can be a difficult thing for many consumers.
If we decide to do capsuling, it will take a while. Thanks again.
I had serious asthma for many years and needed to use inhaler 7-8 times daily besides taking medicines. After taking the Respiratory Wellness supplement for about 3 months, I could stop using inhalers. I am not using inhalers anymore for many months now.
After 2 days of consuming this supplement, my long-running difficult coughing has reduced a lot. Hoping that my suffering from cough will resolve completely.
I had breathing problem for many years. I tried both western and homeopathic medicines here in Munich without satisfactory resolution, and needed to use a spray before going to sleep for years. After I started BioHealing’s Respiratory Wellness supplement for 3-4 days, my breathing improved quite a lot and I stopped the spray. I’m free of using the spray for about 2 years now.