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Who we are?
BioHealing Naturals is a Singapore-based nutritional supplement company founded by two biomedical scientists, Dr Michael Chang (PhD, Molecular Biology; former professor of Biochemistry, National University of Singapore), and his former PhD student, Dr Alamgir Hussain (PhD, Molecular Biology; Postdoctorate, Plant Genetics).
Dr Hussain initiated research on this venture in earnest 13 years ago in 2009 as an effort to solve difficult health problems of his own that had no satisfactory solutions. And his personal research over the years led to his development of multiple nutritional solutions that satisfactorily resolved many tough health problems of his and of his family members, relatives & friends.
Struggling with a number of progressively worsening crippling health problems for many years, when Dr Chang tried one of Dr Hussain’s nutritional formula, it dramatically improved his health within a week. This made him realize that Dr Hussain’s research and nutritional innovations have massive potential to lessen the ongoing widespread health-related sufferings around the world. So, he decided to join hands with Dr Hussain to push his research further forward, and also to move it out of Dr Hussain’s kitchen, and family & friend circle to the wider community to reap its health benefits.
How it started?
By the mid-30s, Dr Hussain was going through hard-to-bear struggle with common infectious illnesses, acid reflux & heartburn, constipation, and joint-and-muscle weakness. Consultations with reputed physicians and medications over many years helped little to improve his health. In 2007, he even decided to surgically remove his tonsils hoping that it would help relieve his serious sore-throat problems. But it helped very little. By the end of 2008, Dr Hussain came to the realization that the healthcare & the pharma industry won’t be able to help improve his health and quality of life any further.
At this point, he decided to explore the immunity-boosting powers of various vitamins, minerals & herbs that he learned about during two decades of studies and research (BSc to Postdoctorate) in biomedical sciences. He felt that if he could exploit the Mother Nature’s immunity-boosting potentials well enough alongside standard medical treatments, his sufferings from those illnesses could be alleviated further. So, in March 2009, he started his research on developing an immunity-boosting nutritional formula for boosting his weak immunity.
As he immersed himself in research, he landed on many preclinical and clinical research papers, many published during the previous few decades, that described the general health and immunity-boosting properties of many plant materials, vitamins, and minerals. After extensive research, and a lot of testing, he was able to develop a formula by combining those immunity-boosting ingredients, and it started helping him manage those infectious illnesses better and satisfactorily in the end. His sufferings from these illnesses were substantially reduced. From miserable, his life was enjoyable again.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Hussain improved his immunity booster further, and used it to protect his his family, relatives, and friends. Over 500 interested individuals in extended circle in Singapore, Bangladesh, the UK, the USA, and other countries have used his immunity booster preventively, and none of them suffered serious symptoms and sufferings, while over 150 users have reported easier recovery after testing positive for COVID-19.
Alleviating Dr Hussain’s other health problems
While resolving his struggle with common infectious illnesses with his immunity booster, Dr Hussain noticed some improvements of his other debilitating health problems, namely acid reflux, constipation, and joint and muscle weakness (fatigue). This prompted him to undertake additional research for developing solutions to improve those health problems of his further. And he was able to develop nutritional solutions that helped improve those health problems satisfactorily. He further explored possibilities of resolving other health problems of his family members & friends, such as elevated blood glucose and blood pressure, gout etc. There too he made significant progress.
Founding of BioHealing Naturals LLP
Struggling for many years with sore knees & progressively frozen shoulder, gout attacks, plus blood sugar & blood pressure issues, Dr Hussain’s nutritional formulations substantially improved those health problems of Prof Chang within a short period, and dramatically improved his energy and stamina. All these convinced Prof Chang that Dr Hussain’s nutritional formulations – if applied alongside standard medical treatments – can substantially improve people’s health, especially of the elderly, in Singapore and around the world. He became interested in supporting Dr Hussain’s research efforts to advance it further. As a result, Prof Chang and Dr Hussain jointly founded BioHealing Naturals LLP, a nutritional supplement company, with the aim of improving people’s health and quality of life.