
Disclaimer: This page contains information about BioHealing Naturals NephroRegen, a nutritional supplement & its observed health benefits. It must not be construed as medical advice, or as treatment for any disease.

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Nutritional formula for promoting healthy nephrons & kidney

Vegan & Muslim friendly

Health benefits (based on user reports):

– Promotes kidney health & functions

– Promotes healthy urine volume

– Promotes & maintains healthy water retention

– Boosts immunity; protects healthy body

– Rich in antioxidant & health-boosting nutrients

About NephroRegen: NephroRegen supplement is scientifically formulated with nutritional ingredients to nourish, heal & promote healthy nephrons & glomeruli, resulting in the promotion and maintenance of healthy kidney function.

The Science Behind

Multifunctional nutritional blend to promote healthy kidneys and healthy kidney function.

NephroRegen contains about 50 vitamins, minerals & herbal extracts that offer multi-pronged bioactions to nourish & boost kidney health & promote healthy kidney function.

1) Kidney health promoting ingredients: Ingredients in the NephroRegen supplement, namely burdock root, artichoke, persimmon leaf, drynaria root, horsetail, loquat leaf, reishi mushroom, cranberry, dandelion root, milk thistle and stinging nettle root have been found to promote and maintain healthy kidney cells & tissues, and promote healthy kidney function.

(2) Immunity boosting: Healthy immunity is essential for healthy functioning of any organ system in our body, including kidneys. The NephroRegen supplement is packed with nutritional ingredients that will promote healthy, strong & well-balanced immunity. Among them, vitamin B6, B12, C, D & E, zinc & selenium are well-known for nourishing & boosting our immune health. Vitamin C rich  apple, lemon, Indian gooseberry, rosehip, C. annuum, and rosemary etc. will contribute further to its immunity-boosting power.

Besides these, astragalus & ginseng roots, and U. tomentosa herb are also found to boost immunity.

(2) Antioxidants & healthy immunity promoting bioactions: Diets rich in antioxidant and unhealthy immunity preventive food & nutrients help to protect & maintain healthy cells and tissues, thereby maintaining healthy and disease-free organ systems, including kidneys. The majority of the ingredients in NephroRegen supplement have strong antioxidant and unhealthy immunity preventive properties. Vitamin C, D & E, Indian gooseberry, aronia & acai berry, cinnamon & P. pinaster (pine) barks, and P. cuspidatum etc. are some of the most powerful antioxidants found in Mother Nature. Similarly, all the vitamins & minerals in NephroRegen have unhealthy immunity preventive properties, while cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, rosehip, turmeric & rosemary etc. are among the most powerful healthy immunity promoting herbs occurring in Nature.

These multi-pronged bioaction properties of the NephroRegen supplement make it a powerful nutritional blend for promoting and maintaining healthy kidneys.

How long to consume?

NephroRegen is classified as health supplement, & is suitable for continuous consumption.

Consumption as daily supplement helps maintain healthy kidney function.

Warning: Our products should be consumed only one at a time. If you have the need to consume more than one product, it should be done in sequence. Please contact us for guidance.

Do not consume if you have known allergy to any of its ingredients. If allergic reaction develops, stop immediately, and seek medical advice as needed. 

If you find it too thermogenic (heaty), reduce dosage by half, or discontinue consumption.

We also discourage consuming other supplements simultaneously with ours.

Scientific references:

Vitamin B6, B12, C, D, E, Zn: These vitamins and minerals are well-known for boosting immunity, critical for proper functioning of body organs, including kidneys.

Malus domestica, Citrus limon, Phyllanthus emblica, & Rosa canina: These fruits are excellent source of immunity-boosting vitamin C.

Arctium lappa: Burdock root extract shows kidney protective effect, while promoting healthy renal physiology and function such as through increasing urine volume that helps to eliminate toxic wastes from the body. [Al-Gebaly AS, Pak J Biol Sci, 2017, 20(6): 314-319; European Medicine Agency, in Assessment report on Arctium lappa L., radix, 2010, p. 12]

Aronia melanocarpa: One of the strongest antioxidant fruits in Nature, Aronia berries contain immunity-modulating compounds and protects & maintains healthy body [Int J Mol Sci, 2014, 15(7):11626-36; Molecules, 2013, 18(12):14989-99]

Astragalus membranaceus: Astragalus root is a well-known Chinese traditional herb that boosts immunity and protects healthy body [J Nat Med, 2009, 63(4):421-9; Comparative Study, 1994, 14(11):664-6].

Cinnamonum cassie: Cinnamon barks possess powerful antioxidant and healthy immunity modulating properties. [Am J Chin Med. 2006, 34(3):511-22; Allergy, 1995, 50(12):995-9; Antivir Chem Chemother, 2009, 19(6): 243-55]

Centella asiatica: C. asiatica possesses antioxidant properties that boost cellular health and modulates immune responses.

Curcuma longa: Curcumin, a antioxidant and immune health promoting bioactive constituent of C. longa, has shown renal health protective effects. [J Ren Endocrinol, 2016, 2:e06] 

Cuscuta semens: With high content of flavonoids with strong antioxidant properties, cuscuta seeds are used to nourish and strengthen kidney in traditional Chinese use.

Cynara cardunculus (Artichoke): Studies have demonstrated that artichoke has kidney health protective and regenerative effects. [Ben Salem et al., Arch Physiol Biochem, 2022, 128(3):586-592; Alkushi AG, Pharmacogn Mag, 2017, 13(S3): S430–S436].

Diospyros kaki: Persimmon leaf extract suppresses oxidative damage of renal tissues by inducing antioxidant enzymes, while exerting nephroprotective effect against chemical toxicity. [Choi et al., Prev Nutr Food Sci, 2016, 21(4): 378–383], and [Shahat et al., Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 2022, 45(4): 1578-1586]

Drynaria fortunei: Known to nourish the kidney, drynaria flavonoids have shown to possess nephroprotective and kidney function improving effects. [Long et. al., Phytotherapy Research, 2005, 19(5): 422–427]

Elettaria cardamomum: Rich in antioxidant compounds, E. cardamomum showed powerful health-beneficial properties through promotion of healthy immune responses. [Molecules, 2017 Jul 15, 22(7): 1191; Curr Med Mycol, 2016 Jun, 2(2): 8-15]

Equisetum arvense (Horsetail): Traditionally used as a urine volume promoting herb, horsetail extract was found to produce potent and safe diuretic effect in healthy men. [Carneiro et al., Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2014: 760683]

Eriobotrya japonica: Loquat leaf lipopolysaccharides can protect kidney function by inhibiting ECM accumulation and protecting against glomerular damage [Lu et al., Am J Transl Res, 2019, 11(6): 3531–3542]

Euterpe oleracea: Loaded with antioxidant compounds, such as anthocyanins, E. oleracea (acai) berry is the richest antioxidant value fruit known. Acai antioxidants are found to fight oxidative stress and cellular & tissue damage [J Agric Food Chem, 2012, 60(4): 1084-93].

Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi): Reishi mushroom is found to promote immune functions and has demonstrated protective effects on kidney health & function [Immunol Invest, 2003, 32(3):201-15; Front Immunol, 2017, 8:87; BMC Cancer, 2015, 15:1011; Geng et al., Chapter 9: Preventive and therapeutic effect of Ganoderma lucidum on kidney injuries and diseases, In Advances in Pharmacology, 2020, 87:257-276]

Linum usitatissimum (Flaxseed): Flaxseed is highly rich in alpha-linolinic acid, the precursor of health-promoting omega 3 fatty acid. It was found to have healthy kidney function promoting properties. [Kidney International, 2003, 64(6):2100-2017]

Panax ginseng: Ginseng, the most popular traditional Chinese & Korean herb with many health benefits, was found to possess renal health protective effects. [Food Chem Toxicol, 2013, 59:153-9]

Pinus pinaster: Bark of P. pinaster is an excellent reservoir of antioxidants. It promote healthy immune responses, and protects and maintains healthy body. [Nutrients, 2019 Jan 22, 11(2): 214; Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2020 Dec, 56(6): 106191]

Piper nigrum: Piper nigrum (black pepper) possess oxidant and healthy immunity promoting properties, while piperine, its major bioactive compound, enhances absorption of beneficial nutrients such as of curcumin, another powerful antioxidant and health-promoting compound found in turmeric. [Arthritis Res Ther, 2009, 11(2): R49]

Polygonum cuspidatum: A powerful antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting herb, P. cuspidatum was shown to reduce harmful immune markers and displayed health protecting bioactions [J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2010, 95(9):E1-8.20534755; Int J Prev Med, 2013, 4(suppl 1):S1-4.23717757; J Ethnopharmacol, 2013, 148(3):729-745.23707210]

Rosa canina: One of the richest source of immunity boosting vitamin C, rosehip also possesses powerful antioxidant and immune health promoting properties. It has diuretic effects and is good for kidney.

Salvia rosmarinus: Through powerful antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting bioactive compounds, such as rosmarinic and carnosic acid etc., rosemary boosts immune function. [J Agric Food Chem, 2007 Sep 19, 55(19): 7879-85; Future Sci OA, 2018 Apr, 4(4): FSO283]

Sambucus nigra: S. nigra fruits are rich in antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting compounds, and are shown to impart potent health-protective actions [J Int Med Res, Mar-Apr 2004, 32(2): 132-40; Antivir Chem Chemother, 2009, 19(6): 243-55]

Silybum marianum (Milk thistle): Milk thistle was found to have kidney health protective properties. [Rafieian-Kopaie & Nasri, Renal Inj Prev, 2012, 1(1): 3-5]

Syzygium aromaticum: S. aromaticum is loaded with antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting compounds, and is found to possess health-boosting properties [Braz J Microbiol. 2012 Oct-Dec, 43(4): 1255-1260; Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, 2014 Feb, 4(2): 90-96]

Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion): Dandelion leaf extract was found to exert nephroprotective effects via multi-pronged beneficial bioactions. [Badr et al., Dose Response, 2019, 17(3): 1-11]

Uncaria tomentosa: Uncaria, a medicinal herb from the amazon forest, with strong and healthy immune health promoting properties, was shown to have protective effect on renal health. [Rev Esc Enferm USP, 2011; 45(1):189-93]

Urtica dioica (Stinging nettle): Stinging nettle was found to have diuretic effect, and to promote renal salt clearance [Tahri et al., J Ethnopharmacol, 2000, 73(1-2):95-100]

Vaccinium macrocarpon (Cranberry): Cranberry juice drinking showed protective effect on urinary tract health in women [Alvarenga et al., Food Funct, 2019, 10(6):3103-3112]

Vitis vinifera: Grape seed has potent antioxidant and healthy immune health promoting properties as well as high content of vitamin E and omega fatty acid that can offer protective effects on cells and tissues including in kidneys.

Zingiber officinale (ginger)Ginger possesses strong antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting properties and has powerful health-protective properties [Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, 2012 Aug, 2(8): 597–601p 


  • Angeline

    My mother’s kidney damage deteriorated to stage 4 with an eGFR reading of 23 in July 2021.
    She started taking this product about 3 years ago, and her eGFR gradually increased to 36.

  • Tan C. K.

    I am in my mid-60s. My kidney function has been declining steadily in recent years with eGFR reaching at 59 in March 2023.
    After I look 3 packs of this supplement, my eGFR improved to 73 in July 2023.

  • Yee Chee Onn

    Can CKD stage 3 take BioHealing Naturals NephroRegen.

    • Admin

      Hi, yes. We have users with stage 3 and stage 4 kidney conditions consuming NephroRegen long-term.

  • Goh meileong

    Hi I’m in stage 3 CKD can I take this supplement for me

    • Admin

      Yes. We have users, including family members, with stage 3 and stage 4 kidney conditions, consuming it for up to 3 years, and are maintaining healthier kidney than 3-4 years ago.

  • Wong YK

    I’m 74 years old female and suffered from persistent urinary tract infection (UTI) without any resolution. My urine test used to show very high leukocyte counts, which, according to my doctor, is a sign of ongoing UTI.
    Recommended by my nephew, I took one packet of NephroRegen in May. After that my urine test in June turned up “leukocyte negative”. I was surprised by its effectiveness in eliminating my UTI.

  • Khairul

    Hi there, what about those on stage 5 and undergoing dialysis? Can they still use it as a supplement?

    • Admin

      Many users on dialysis are currently consuming this product.

  • Pearly

    My father was diagnosed with kidney cancer last year. He decided not to undergo the surgery. Among his symptoms is pain when urinating. He had difficulties urinating and pooping. He decided to pursue a natural approach—changing his diet and lifestyle. Unfortunately, the scan showed that the cancer has has grown larger. Can he take NephroRegen? Please find attached the scan of his kidney.

  • Admin

    A few people suffering from cancer have consumed this product.

  • Suhan Sulon

    My hubby is cdk patient. He doest do dialysis.
    he also hlgot stroke.
    can i give this supplement to him?

    • Admin

      We have an elderly relative with stage 4 CKD, diabetes and hypertension, also had stroke and bedridden, consuming NephroRegen for 4.5+ years and maintaining heathier kidneys.

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