
Disclaimer: This page contains factual information about GlucoBalance, a nutritional supplement, & its observed health benefits only. It must not be construed as medical advice or treatment for any specific disease.

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Powerful nutritional formula for improving blood glucose level

Vegan & Muslim friendly

Nourishes & promotes healthy pancreas

Promotes healthy glucose metabolism

Maintains healthy blood glucose levels

– Promotes & maintains healthy immunity

– Promotes healthy teeth & gum

– Rich in antioxidant & health boosting nutrients

AboutGlucoBalance is a nutritional supplement scientifically formulated to nourish & promote healthy pancreas, and to promote & maintain healthy glucose metabolism & blood glucose levels.

The Science behind

GlucoBalance supplement contains ~50 vitamins, minerals & herbal extracts to offer multi-pronged bioactions on the body to make it a powerful healthy blood glucose promoting nutritional supplement:

(1) Healthy blood glucose promoting ingredients: Scientific studies have shown that many of the ingredients in GlucoBalance – such as Chromium, Cinnamon, Bitter gourd, Cornus officinalis, Bell pepper, Fenugreek seed, Garcenia fruit, Ginger, Guava leaf, Gymnema, Indian gooseberry, Mango leaf, Mulberry leaf, Holy basil, Olive leaf & Rhodiola root etc. – have healthy blood glucose promoting bioactions. They help promote health blood glucose levels by acting at different stages of the glucose metabolism pathway – from improving healthy pancreas and insulin-secreting β-cells to inhibiting carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes (references below).

(2) Antioxidant & healthy immunity promoting ingredients: Diets rich in antioxidant & healthy immunity promoting food & nutrition are central to healthy and disease-free living, as they keep the body healthy at the cellular and tissues levels by preventing oxidative stress and unhealthy or abnormal immune reactionsLatest research also demonstrates that elevated oxidative stress and abnormal immune reactions play pivotal roles in the development of unhealthy glucose metabolism and blood glucose disorders. Ingredients contained in GlucoBalance, such as vitamin C, D & E, Indian gooseberry, aronia & acai berry, cinnamon & P. pinaster bark, and P. cuspidatum etc. are among the most powerful antioxidants, while besides all the vitamins & minerals, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and rosemary etc. are among powerful healthy immunity promoting herbs found in Mother Nature.

(3) Immunity boosting ingredients: Promoting and maintaining strong & healthy immunity is of utmost importance in blood sugar disorders. Ingredients in GlucoBalance, such as selenium, zinc, vitamin C, D, E & B12, as well as vitamin C-rich apple, capsicum, Indian gooseberry, lemon, rosehip, Roxbourgh rose, and tamarind etc. would promote healthy immunity in users. Besides these, astragalus, ginseng & cat’s claw (U. tomentosa) were also found to boost immunity.

How long to consume? GlucoBalance is classified as health supplement in Singapore and suitable for daily consumption. Daily consumption may be needed to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.


(1) We advise consuming only one of our products at a time. If you need to consume more than one product, please contact us for guidance.

(3)  Results may vary from user to user.

Scientific references

Chromium: Studies demonstrated chromium supplementation has significant effect on promoting healthy fasting plasma glucose levels. [Pharmacol Res, Nov. 2020, 161:105098]

Vitamin C, D & E: Vitamin C, D & E are well-established promoters of healthy immunity.

Zinc: Zinc boosts immunity and protects healthy body. [JRSM Open, 2017 May 2, 8(5): 2054270417694291; Immun Ageing, 2009, 6:9]

Selenium: Selenium has strong antioxidant & other health protecting properties [Adv Nutr, 2015 Jan, 6(1): 73–82]

Apple (Malus domestica), Citrus limon (lemon), Rosa canina (rosehip): These fruits are excellent source of vitamin C, a well-established immunity-boosting vitamin with health protective properties [J Biol Reg and Homeos Ag, 2013, 27(2): 291-295]

Aronia melanocarpa: One of the strongest antioxidant fruits in Nature, Aronia berries are rich in immunity and health boosting compounds [Int J Mol Sci, 2014, 15(7):11626-36; Molecules, 2013, 18(12):14989-99]

Astragalus membranaceus: Astragalus is a well-known Chinese traditional herb known for health and immunity boosting properties [J Nat Med, 2009, 63(4):421-9; Comparative Study, 1994, 14(11):664-6].


Bitter gourd: Studies have shown that bitter gourd promotes healthy pancreatic tissues, and promotes healthy glucose metabolism and blood glucose levels. [Asian Pac J Trop Dis, 2013 Apr, 3(2): 93–102]

Capsicum annuum: Capsicum was found to promote healthy carbohydrate metabolism, and beneficial effect on promoting healthy blood glucose levels. [Complement Ther Med, 2017 Oct, 34:42-45]

Centella asiatica: C. asiatica possesses antioxidant properties that boost cellular health.

Curcuma longa: Curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and immunity-modulating compound in C. longa, has many health-beneficial properties. [Alt Med Rev, 2009 Jun, 14(2):141-53]

Cinnamon: A study showed cinnamon consumption promotes healthy fasting blood glucose levels. [Diabetes Care, 2003, 26(12):3215-3218]

Cornus officinalis: Cornus fruit extract was found to induce the regeneration of insulin-producing beta-cells in the pancreas. [Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2021, Article ID 2920530]

Elettaria cardamomum: Rich in antioxidant compounds, E. cardamomum possesses strong immune response modulating and health-protecting properties. [Molecules, 2017 Jul 15, 22(7): 1191; Curr Med Mycol, 2016 Jun, 2(2): 8-15]

Euterpe oleracea: Loaded with potent antioxidant compounds, such as anthocyanins, E. oleracea (acai) berry is the richest antioxidant value fruit known and has powerful health-beneficial properties, such as through fighting oxidative stress [J Agric Food Chem, 2012, 60(4): 1084-93].

Fenugreek seed: Study showed fenugreek seed consumption resulted in improvement of blood glucose levels. [Ayu, 2017 Jan-Jun, 38(1-2):24–27]

Garcenia cambogia: Extracts of garcenia fruits showed healthy carbohydrate metabolizing actions, while multiple bioactive compounds in garcenia fruits were found to boost glucose uptake and utilization by skeletal muscle cells. [Biomolecules. 2019 Nov, 9(11): 641]

Ginger: Dietary supplementation of ginger showed significant improvement of blood glucose and HbA1C levels. [Iran J Pharm Res, 2015 Winter, 14(1):131-140]

Guava leaf: Studies have demonstrated that guava leaf supplementation has both preventive and beneficial effects on blood sugar controls. [Nutr Metab (Lond), 2010, 7: 9]

Gymenma sylvestre: Study showed Gymnema extract has powerful beneficial effects on improving and managing blood glucose and HbA1C levels. [J Ethnopharmacol, 1990 Oct, 30(3):281-94]

Indian gooseberry (P. emblica): Indian gooseberry powder consumption was found to improve fasting and post-meal blood sugar levels. [Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2011 Sep, 62(6):609-16]

Melissa officinalis (Lemon balm): Consumption of lemon balm extract resulted in significant improvement of β-cell activity and blood sugar levels. [Phytother Res, Mar 2019, 33(3):651-659]

Mulberry leaf: Administration of mulberry leaf extract significantly improved post-meal blood sugar control in human subjects [Complement Ther Med, Jun 2017, 32:105-108]

Mango leaf: Investigation showed mango leaf extract improves pancreatic beta-cell mas and promotes healthy post-meal blood glucose levels. [Medicina (Kaunas), 2019 Jul, 55(7): 353]

Ocimum sanctum: Holy basil intake was found to have significant beneficial effect on fasting blood glucose levels. [Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther, 1996 Sep, 34(9):406-9]

Olive leaf: Olive leaf extract was found to improve blood insulin levels and promote healthy blood glucose, while oleuropein found in olive is a promising nutraceutical compound for improving and managing blood sugar problems. [J Diabetes, 2017 Oct, 9(10):947-957; J. Agric. Food Chem. 2021, 69 (22): 6145–6155].

Panax ginseng: Ginseng, a popular traditional Chinese herb, modulates immune function markers and boosts protection of health [Journal of ginseng research, 28(2):104-110; Drugs Exp Clin Res, 1996, 22(2): 65-72]

Pinus pinaster: Bark of P. pinaster is an excellent reservoir of antioxidants and has immune response modulating properties for protecting and maintaining healthy body. [Nutrients, 2019 Jan 22, 11(2): 214; Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2020 Dec, 56(6): 106191]

Piper nigrum: Piper nigrum (black pepper) is a flavour-enhancing spice with potent antioxidant and immunity-modulating properties. Piperine, its major bioactive compound, also enhances the absorption of other nutrients such as curcumin, a powerful health-boosting compound found in turmeric. [Arthritis Res Ther, 2009, 11(2): R49]

Polygonum cuspidatum: A powerful antioxidant and immunity-modulatory herb, P. cuspidatum has potent health-beneficial nutritional properties [J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2010, 95(9):E1-8.20534755; Int J Prev Med, 2013, 4(suppl 1):S1-4.23717757; J Ethnopharmacol, 2013, 148(3):729-745.23707210]

Rhodiola rosea: Salidroside, a phenylethanoid glycoside, present in Rhodiola root was found to promote β-cell proliferation and increase β-cell mass [Front Pharmacol, 18 Oct, 2017]

Salvia rosmarinus: Through its strong immunity-modulatory and antioxidant bioactive compounds (rosmarinic acid, carnosic acid, etc.), rosemary boosts immune health, and exerts health-protecting bioactions [J Agric Food Chem, 2007 Sep 19, 55(19): 7879-85; Future Sci OA, 2018 Apr, 4(4): FSO283]

Sambucus nigra: S. nigra fruits are rich in antioxidant and other bioactive compounds that modulate immune functions, and are found to protect health [J Int Med Res, Mar-Apr 2004, 32(2): 132-40]. It also has anti-HIV actions [Antivir Chem Chemother, 2009, 19(6): 243-55]

Syzygium aromaticum: S. aromaticum is loaded with antioxidant and other powerful bioactive nutrients that modulate immune responses, and boosts health. [Braz J Microbiol. 2012 Oct-Dec, 43(4): 1255-1260; Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, 2014 Feb, 4(2): 90-96]

Tamarindus indica: Tamarind pulp is loaded with polyphenols having antioxidant and healthy immunity promoting properties.


  • KS Kabir (Sydney)

    I have diabetes for more than 20 years. With medication, I was maintaining my blood glucose level at around 7.5.
    After I started GlucoBalance, my blood glucose improved dramatically. I have reduced medicines by half, and still able to maintain my blood glucose in the 4.0 to 6.0 range.

  • Siew Khim Lim (Singapore)

    My 81 year-old mother has diabetes for about 25 years. With medication, she was maintaining her blood sugar level above 9.0. She has been taking GlucoBalance for about a year. She now maintains her fasting blood glucose at around 6.5. Her HbA1C came down to 5.7 from above 7.5 previously.

  • Abhishek Roy (Singapore)

    My blood sugar level used to stay around 7.5 with medication. With GlucoBalance, it has come down to around 6.4.

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